Zoe Saldana in Armani Prive; Le Seydoux in Louis Vuitton; Sarah-Jessica Parker in Elie Saab; Milla Jovovich in custom-made Prada; Alexa Chung in vintage 60s Balenciaga; Fan Bing Bing in Oscar de la Renta and a custom-made evening gown from her own stylist (stunning!). What were some of your favourites from the Film Festival?
I'm a book publicist and committed vintage fashion fan. My blog gives me the luxury of writing about what I love and connecting to people all around the world who share my passions. I hope you enjoy it.
I used to love writing. It was my default activity (that, and reading);
everything else something I endured in order to get to the writing. I would
hide my...
PORTLAND, OREGON Despite forecasts of record high temperatures for early
September, local sewist Erin McKean declared the dress she finished on
Labor Day t...
I have been so pleased to see vintage inspiration in the clothing lines in
many of the most recent catalogs that I have been receiving, much of which
I can...
Yes, it's back! You loved last year's gift guide, so I've done the hard
work for you and rounded up some great gift ideas for the ladies in your
Long before there was disco Cher (*who is awesome*) there was Native
American/Southwest inspired Cher (*equally as awesome*). Ok, so maybe it's
not too l...
Here is my latest shoot for Advanced Pets featuring the always gorgeous
Grandma Pat and Trixie. By the way I just started selling prints and totes
on Soc...
Every year the Australian Costume Guild holds a Cosplay Ball in Adelaide,
and this year I attended with a friend for the first time. It was kind of
* So i went to Oslo for a couple of days. Lovely as always!*
* Fram-museom to the right. Heaven for polar-expedition-nerds!!!!*
* A childhood-dream came ...
Award season is once again upon us and it’s time to take a look at my
favorites. I don’t watch the shows anymore, but love to see what’s
happening with f...
I was going to show you the dress I made that I posted a peek of in my
last post but then I got a cold and the weather got cold. I'm currently in
my pajam...
This adorable 1950s bathing suit by Kittiwake was a recent impulse buy. It
wasn’t quite so impulsive that I didn’t first check the garment details,
but I f...
There are many important factors when it comes to being a successful online
vintage seller. To my mind, undoubtedly, one of the biggest and most
Hi all, it’s that time again – the best vintage clothing sale of the year
is on again. From the website: With vintage clothes, high end and designer
wear, ...
10 years. I have been *selling* goods under Closet Case Vintage for 10
years. I started collecting with the intention of selling 13 years ago,
buying every...
After 15 years selling the best in vintage clothing and accessories, the
time has come for me to retire. I am sad to say goodbye to my customers
and fr...
Hey guys! I know it's been a while, but I'm back! I've started a new blog
over at Common Species of Melephants, so come check it out! I've missed
blogging ...
You can now read the Decades Blog on our new and improved website! Go to
www.DecadesInc.com or click here to get directed to our blog.
Thank you for visiti...
Hi readers! I'm not dead. Today I'm here to tell you about a hypnotist,
hoaxer, magic lantern operator, and one of the earliest pioneers of film.
And, of c...
Und da ist's auch schon, das letzte reguläre Türchen im Dotti's Vintage
Adventskalender – bevor wir morgen einen eurer Wünsche von unserem
Wunschzettel er...
MC played trumpet with the dance rock/indie pop rumpus known as Belle Ghoul
last Friday, Sept. 11th, a band comprised of some of the most delightful
[image: new site june14] After months of sitting on and incubating this
egg, I am so happy to be able to say at long last: I've moved and have a
new websit...
*It's been a crazy year and I miss my blog friends. I made some major life
changes for myself and my son to have peace and serenity. It hasn't been
Tak dneska tu máme pár crazy scene účesů. Ten s růžovou barvou je můj
favorit a pokud bych neměla tak blbou puritánskou práci, ihned bych do něj
šla. Pokud...
Hello everyone! I hope you're all travelling well. I'm getting back on
track after health issues. I've decided I won't be blogging for the rest
of th...
Soon this blog will no longer exist at blogspot.com. Please update all
links, readers, bookmarks, feeds, networked blogs etc etc etc...
This beautiful woman is my sister Bianca, here at the Dior show in Paris.
Love here!
ps.she is wearing a shirt of the new collection Greetz from Tiz, soon ...
As I stand in front of my wardrobe, staring at decades of carefully curated
fashion, a question lingers: should I keep my clothes for my daughters to
Car Seat Headrest are hitting the road. After a long break due to the
pandemic, Will Toledo and his indie rock group are set to tour North
America in 202...
I just love the daisy stitching on the skirt of this wonderful 1940s
wedding gown, which I've just added to my shop! Huge thanks to my lovely
friend, Elle...
The publisher is using a new address for their RSS feed. Please update your
feed reader to use this new URL:
I am in love with the cute vintage inspired Lilly Pulitzer for Target line
for my daughter... You can purchase this new dress for $22- from Target You
can ...
i used to make really excellent gift guides, if i do say so myself. so i am
putting together an ad-hoc list of online things that are just nice, and if
I've been thinking a lot about Michelle Obama and this blog in recent
weeks. There is a wonderful retrospective on Mrs. Obama's fashion influence
Vintage clothes have always inspired style designers to create new designs.
The vintage style is fast grabbing the attention of people because they see...
Today we are talking bathroom details. It's an expensive room and you want
to get it right the first time. Changes are going to cost you. There are
[image: 60s dress]
I told you to be balanced 'Mariane' mod dress
[image: lilac floral dress]
Any which way Tea Party dress
[image: blue skirt]
I feel li...
PREDIKSI TOGEL KENTUCKY 11 NOVEMBER 2023 – Selamat Datang dan Selamat
Bergabung di Situs Prediksi Togel Online. Permainan Togel Online saat ini
telah men...
These days, time constraints to maintain long hair have led many females to
opt for medium-length hair that gives them a perfect look. Medium hair
takes le...
Hello! I wanted to let you all know that Q's Daydream Handmade is back
open for business! Currently the navy and black gingham playsuits are
available, ma...
So my husband says, "Where are you wearing THAT?!" I says, to clean my
closet, go to the loo or even for a grand night out.
A tiara or two...
The Cartier...
Hi stranger! Where've you been? Or more accurately, where have I been?
Well, the short answer is "livin' life!" Honestly, this winter was such a
Improper warehouse shelving can lead to problems such as productions
slowdowns, inaccuracies, and other related problems. This is why it is
usually a good ...
The Sound of Music has been a part of so many childhood memories for
generations. The iconic image of Maria, arms flung wide, atop a mountain
with a look o...
Hello there friends,
I have not indeed died. I did drop off the face of the blogging earth for
a couple months, but for a good reason; my life has been ...
Margaret Chandler, better known as remargaret, and her boyfriend Zach are
embarking on a unique adventure in Charleston, South Carolina. They’re not
Our new mascot, Sarah Jessica Parker appeared in a Vogue editorial this
month promoting the new Sex and the City movie with her Mr. Big, Chris
Noth. In sho...
Hello! Today I have another Couture Nomad dress, sewn up over several weeks
at my lovely Teacher Catherine's Couture Nomad Sewing School here in
[image: Christmas Gifts]
[image: Vintage Mohagany Wood Table]
My husband has always had a love of all things made of sterling silver. To
be honest I was n...
To stave off COVID Cabin Fever my husband and I have been trying to visit
as many outdoor places as possible where it is easy to socially distance.
Our la...
Doris Petticoats have been a longtime favorite of mine, this U.K. brand
makes a wide variety of colors, prints, and best of all, lengths to suit
Just wished this beautiful vintage 40s jacket fitted me as it is so rich
and luxurious. Not to mention velvet is on-trend at the moment.
The little rh...
I’ve always wondered what it would feel like to finally sit down and write
this post. The one where I tell you that I’m hanging up my figurative (and
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