I put my new winter coat on lay-by today (a beautiful shade of crimson) and now that the cold weather has hit Sydney with sudden and full force, I'm thinking about my wardrobe for the next three months. I need knit dresses, but I also crave comfy cable knit jumpers as per the one worn above by Tina from
Violetville Vintage. What do people think of a cable knit jumper paired with a cute floral skirt (thanks
Astaire Steps Vintage in Bendigo) and opaque tights? I think I may be onto something here.

Hi! What a lovely blog ^_^
Here,in Italy is almost summer!
I need t-shirts and summer dresses instead of sweater and coat...ahahah that's funny :D
I have a blog too:
It's all about sewing(i'm a fashion designer and a seamstress),vintage fashion and style and much more!
If you just want to say "Hello!".
Thanks Alice for the lovely comment. I'll pop over and check out your blog now. And the difference in seasons, sometimes makes for good bargains, although I wish I was looking for summer frocks.
Here in the US it's getting really warm - into the 80's and 90's. I must admit, I do miss some of the colder weather when I wasn't in need of a fan every second.
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