Inspired by executive producer George Hamilton's own boyhood (yes, he of the deep orange tan and killer smile), My One and Only is a road movie starring Renee as the glamorous mother who leaves her cheating ex and travels across the us with her two sons in search of a new man. Apparently it is reminiscent of classic 50s screwball comedies, and though this movie was released in the US some time ago to little fan fare (it doesn't feature vampires or monster machines after all), it does have a 71% rating on Rotten Tomatoes plus Margaret just gave it a great rap on ABC TVs At the Movies.
But more importantly for my followers, Renee is looking divine. She seems to be an actress that people either love or hate, and I confess I'm in the love camp. She was perfect as Bridget Jones and was the shining light in the very wooden adaptation of literary masterpiece Cold Mountain. And she seems to suit period pictures to a tee. Just watch Leatherheads, Miss Potter, Cinderella Man or Down With Love for proof.
Has anyone seen it? Thoughts?

I remember seeing previews for this one and wanted to see it! It looks amazing. I love Renee Zellweger.
I'm so glad you posted about this movie. I have walked by it a bunch of times at the video store here and wasn't sure if I should rent it because I feel the same way about Renee (sometimes love, sometimes ew). This looks decent enough to rent and if it is about George Hamilton's boyhood, then I must get it for sure.
Oh and thanks for reading my blog :)
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