Pia's prom theme got me a little nostalgic (even though high school is a largely awful experience), and I dug out this yearbook pic of me and my friend Marina at our Year 12 Ball. Note that the reason we are featured prominently on the glossy pages of the yearbook was because we edited it, and not because we were in any way shape or form popular. If there was a high school popularity rating system out of 5, I'd put myself at a 4. That means I wasn't quite a social outcast who people jeered at, but I was nowhere near the realms of the athletic and confident types that hovered around 1.
Anyway, it was the mid 1990s, everyone wore black or deep rich colours like dark green and burgundy, and wearing your hair half up half down was all the rage. I remember buying my black dress, with the very 90s cut-out lace midriff (I think this look is making a comeback??) at a boutique in Perth's Murray Street mall, and I accessorised with a lovely antique necklace courtesy of my grandmother and the first professional make-up job I ever had. My hair now looks incredibly dated.
But regular readers would remember me gushing over taffeta plaid recently, and now I have my very own item of 1950s plaid gorgeousness, care of the lovely Sandie at Sandie Bizy's in Annandale.
Thank you Sandy for the pretty pink gloves you threw in too!
My friend Louisa was my date for the night and as usual she looked flawless in floral.

Don't you love the cake too? Very matchy matchy.
PS As an interesting aside my friend Marina disappeared from my life some years ago after I received a card from her telling me she was moving to Greece to join a nunnery and that I would never hear from her again. If this was a ploy to break-up our friendship, it was certainly a dramatic one, but alas I fear her note was completely true. There might be a book in that for someone.
your dress is just GORGEOUS!!!!
there is an award for you, check my blog!
What a fabulous party theme and such beautiful dresses!!
Stumbled upon your blog through Blonde Episodes and so glad I did, absolutely love it. Definitely a new follower!
i haven't been this jealous of a dress in a very long time ~ what. a. find. Truly awesome in color, cut and material.
ps: love the 1990s prom photos and the fact that you guys populated the yearbook pages with photos of yourselves! No shame! SoWhatWhoCares!
Well I must admit that it was our supervising teacher has chose that formal pic, but I did put photos of me and my friends all over the rest of the yearbook. Editors perogative I reckon.
And thanks for the compliment re. my dress.
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